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My Introduction & Some Questions... for those who may have problems believing?
by Christos, Curator of

For the last three years I, Christos, curator here at Celestial Realm,  have enjoyed immensely downloading the talks given through Paul by Raj/Christ Jesus. I have been profoundly and eternally blessed by them.  Having seen well over 80 difference videos where Christ Jesus lead a study group on His book, ACIM,  I can say without one ounce of hesitation, doubt, or question, Christ Jesus is the one working through Paul.  I know beyond question that you will agree with me here, if you will but allow yourself the time, with an open mind, to watch several of these videos yourself.  I know this because I know God's Truth 'In You" will make it so... if only His Way You See are Infinite Indeed! 

This Work Fulfills A Promised: 
I knew from many years as ACIM student and a life dedicated to having a personal relationship with God, that Christ Jesus' book (ACIM) and His work now through Paul, is most certainly the work of Christ Jesus; moreover, I know in my heart that it fulfills a promised as recorded in Holy Scriptures of the Christian bible.

This promise is found in KJ, John 16:25; where Jesus said, “These things have I spoken unto you in proverbs [parables]: but the time cometh when I shall no more speak unto you in proverbs, but I shall show you plainly of the Father.”

Believe me... in both of these works, He speaks plainly, with perfect clarity, about God's Truth and our true relationship with Him.

Paul Tuttle's Story to the left shares about his experiences and messages given when he first began talking with Christ Jesus, but knew him first as Raj. You will find this story in its full detail in his book, (also available free and found at the bottom left hand side of this page) called "The Graduation". 

Questions You Might Ask Yourself?
I know to some of you reading this, it all sounds preposterous and to an extreme, completely unbelievable... thus it is suggested that you step back and ask yourself a few questions as I have asked myself... the answers I believed you will find, will be most enlightening.

- If Christ Jesus asked you to work with him in the way He is working through Paul Tuttle, would you do it? What would it take to convince you that He was real… and His voice within does not mean you are crazy?

- Imagine for just a few moments, if all that is being given here is indeed real, would this not be great news to you and your churches, and for the Christian faith throughout the world?

- If you were Christ and your main intention was to help your family of brothers and sister find God within for themselves, would not writing a book perhaps be the best place to start... a book that speaks 'plainly of the Father'?

- If the Second Coming were to be ‘our owning our own Christ’ within, what way would be better than to teach through "A Course In Miracles", and in the way that He now teaches us through Paul?

- If you were to believe as I do, that these teachings are part of His Second Coming plans, what really changes in your world other than what you have believed is now coming true, just not in the way you once thought it would?

- If Christ showed up in your Church tomorrow or on the evening news, would you really believe it any more or question it differently?

- Would as Christians, or believers in the teaching of Christ as expressed in the bible, be wise to be open to accepting these teaching as just another way of Father God "making all things new"?

- What "qualifies" Christ Coming Back a 2nd time for you, given the fact that He performed many Miracles before and yet, many Jews and non-Jew then and even today, do not believe He was/is truly the Son of God?

- Given your answers to the previous questions, is it safe to say a little curiosity in the name of God Love is indeed merited here? After all, Christ Jesus did tell us to “seek and we would find… to ask and we would receive”, did He not?

- Christians the world over are doing great works, good works on behalf of the Christ. Can you imagine the day, that what is being given here, becomes the main stream of truth, that our beloved Christ Jesus has come back and now is giving us the clarity we have long needed to make us of One Mind In Christ Love?

- Does not all this point to another truth that all Christian believe, as it was written, “that the meek shall inherit the earth?” Against the background of what is now being given here, who is willing to step down from the pedestal of “all knowing” and “meekly” concede that perhaps we were wrong about the second coming?

- One final question. Ask yourself; were the Jews wrong about their Messiah? Shall we likewise deny Christ as Apostle Peter mistakenly did three time as the Romans and Jews sought to end his life… as they feared His teachings and their loss of control over the people?

Interesting to note that it was Saint Peter, or Simon Peter, apostle of Christ Jesus, who is considered to be the first bishop or Pope of the Catholic Church. Thus, it will be most interesting to see how long it takes them to concede to such meekness, as most assuredly; many of their members will hear this call of Love, is it not?
Free E-Books by Paul Tuttle*:
Paul Tuttle's Story of being introduced to his guide Raj (aka, Christ Jesus), come directly from his book, "The Graduation", written in 1991). Below, you will find you can download to of his book completely free of charge.

"You Are The Answer", written in 1982, it contains a collection of Paul's first writing with his inner guidance, Christ Jesus, aka Raj, which Paul perfers to refers to him as. And as you will note in Paul's story in the right column, Jesus knew Paul would not talk with him at first is he told him who he really was.

Click here to download "You Are The Answer"

"Graduation, The End of Illusions", written in 1991, 11 years after Paul first started his work with Raj, Christ Jesus.

The "Forward" best explains what this book is about: This book will require you to move beyond understanding and dare to live from there! It brings the principles of "A Course In Miracles" into bold relief, whether you are a Course student or not. It brings the principles of Christian Science into bold relief, whether you are a student or not. It brings the principles of Life into bold relief, whether you are avoiding It or not. It addresses you in terms of your divinity and says, wake up! And it addresses you in the language of your humanity so that you might comprehend it.

Click here to download "Graduation"

* To download these books and other materials throughout this site, you will need Adobe pdf reader, which is free and can be downloaded from this link.

Please Note: All of the activities of the Northwest Foundation for "A Course In Miracles" are provided without charge or obligation. This is possible because of thoughtfulness, love extended without conditions. Such is the nature of Gift. As a result these materials are available to you, because someone like you has already gifted you with them. And, at Raj's instruction, these materials will never be sold. If you would like to add your thoughtfulness and love, to gift others with the availability of these materials, you're invited to make a tax-deductible contribution at our website, or send it to our address, both of which are shown below.
The following excerpts are from Paul's book, "The Graduation" (Free Below)

In February of 1982, with no prior knowledge of channeling [being an prophetic like instrument of Divine Communion/Communication] or of spiritual guides, but with a crisis on my hands, I reached out for help in meditation/prayer. The result, after two weeks of earnest listening, was the surprising experience of “hearing” words from someone who identified himself as Rajpur, my Guide. These early conversations became the book, You Are The Answer, published in 1985. [free pdf copy below]

In November of 1982 a friend handed me a copy of A Course In Miracles to see what I thought of it. After browsing through it, I asked Raj who wrote it—meaning, should I accept the premise of the statements of the Course that the author was Jesus. His answer was, “I did.” It was in this way that Raj disclosed his real identity, later stating that if he had told me who he really was at the time of our first conversation, we would never have had a second conversation. I continue to call him Raj because it helps me be real with him, having discovered that my concepts and beliefs about Jesus are absolute impediments to relating genuinely. He has not objected.

During the years between then and now, my life has changed drastically. In February of 1983, at Raj’s direction, we began doing private conversations with Raj, which became my full-time “work.” This led to the publication of a newsletter, Conversations with Raj, and in August of 1985 we began doing public workshops—a total of forty-two so far.

My wife, Susan, and my son, Chris, have played a great part in the work—both of whom you will find mentioned in this book—and I take this opportunity to publicly express my gratitude to them both.

Obviously my experience with Raj and what he has been teaching me is totally subjective, but I will say this: I have found over the past nine years that it would be impossible for me to Awaken alone. It therefore seems utterly reasonable to me that a book dealing with actual engagement in Awakening would not be a treatise on or exposition of principles, but rather an expression of relationship—a holy relationship, if you will—with all of its dynamics present.

I do not pretend to have gone “all the way” yet, but I can guarantee you that I am not going back.
Paul and his wife, Susan
A Course in Miracles Study Group with Raj, on this site are
© by The Northwest Foundation for “A Course in Miracles” a non-profit corporation.
All rights reserved
PO Box 1490 / Kingston, WA 98346-1490 / USA
Phone: 360-638-0530 Fax: 360-881-0071
Dear Friends, The above video, also included in My 2011 ACIM lesson link, gives any newcomer a real genuine sense of just who Paul Tuttle is and his relationship with this work. We included it here so to introduce you to Paul in a way that words alone would not do justice. He, like we hope all you seek to do... is willing to serve God and his fellow man as best he can in any given moment. Accepting, Owning where he is… and his willingness to let it go, was by far one of the best lessons of that year. 
                                                 Thank You Paul!
                                                  I Love You All!
                                                  Raj, Christ Jesus
"Whenever Paul wants to speak with me
and before every gathering, when Paul is being quiet and having everyone else be
still too, he dedicates his attention, and he does it by saying—and these are his own
words—“I allow only for that which expresses the Christ Consciousness, and only
that which is in harmony with the capital “P” Purpose of capital “B” Being the
Father’s Will.”
                                          - Raj Christ Jesus

                                                     Raj - Kingston, WA - April 9, 1995

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The Paul Tuttle, Raj Christ Jesus Story: